Old house from Garden

Garden home

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The Museum,
Historic Residence

Old Residence


wooden latch on door

The Maloof's original home is an expression of Sam's artistic and craft sensibilities, growing over the years as the needs of his family grew.

The home is now a National Historic Landmark as the home and studio of a recognized artist. It contains not only Sam's furniture but also art that the Maloof's collected over many years.

Spiral staircase room

Dining area

Outdoor Art: Circular Metal sculpture - unknown
Goat plaque - Joe Donat
Ceramic Bird Houses, Ceramic screen - Stan Bitters

Plantings: These plantings were chosen to recreate the environment of the original site rather than focus on water-wise gardening. The East side of the Old residence is a small Avocado grove. Bamboo, Magnolia and a legacy Maple also recreate the environment. The outer courtyard is ringed by olive trees, some are legacy, the others were chosen to be similar to the legacy trees. There were grass areas around the original site. However due to the difficulty of caring for grass on slopes, and to be consistent with the spirit of the gardens, water wise ground covers are used instead.

Lavender Flower